Join MobileMonkey affiliate program
20% Recurring
20% Recurring
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MobileMonkey affiliate program

MobileMonkey affiliate program

MobileMonkey offers an affiliate program in Internet Marketing niche and if you have an audience in this sector there's no doubt that this affiliate program may be of interest to you.

In fact, the commission rate for MobileMonkey affiliates is 20% Recurring. This means that for each sale made through your affiliate link, you will earn 20% Recurring in commission.

In other words, if you generate a sale worth $100, then you'll earn $20 for every sale you make through MobileMonkey affiliate program.

These rates are in addition to the fact that this is a recurring affiliate program with a cookie duration of 90 days.

Information about this affiliate program

Affiliation Type
Affiliate platform
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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the MobileMonkey Affiliate Program?
This is the program MobileMonkey utilizes to compensate individuals and organizations that endorse their products. Whenever you facilitate a sale for MobileMonkey, you will receive a commission for that particular product sale.
How can I join the MobileMonkey Affiliate Program?
You can join the MobileMonkey affiliation program by clicking here. You will be invited to create an account on Affilisting and after buying your license, you will be redirected to their form to proceed with your registration.
What is the commission rate for MobileMonkey affiliates?
The commission rate for MobileMonkey affiliates is 20% Recurring. This indicates that for every sale conducted through your unique affiliate link, you will earn 20% Recurring in commission.
What happens if a customer returns a product I referred?
In nearly all instances, this implies that your commission from the MobileMonkey sale will be reversed. However, this might not apply if you negotiate your contract with them. Typically, contract negotiations can occur once consistent sales have been demonstrated.
What if I don't have a website?

If you lack a website, succeeding as an MobileMonkey affiliate will be challenging.

While it's possible to attract affiliate marketing traffic through social media or email marketing, penetrating the noise on these platforms is more challenging.

I suggest learning how to launch a health and wellness blog and only after that, establishing a genuine affiliate marketing business.

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